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Post Budget Analysis on Monday, 6th February, 2023 at 5.30pm at Indo-American Society

Warm Greetings from Indo-American Society!

The Indo-American Society in association with Vyapaar – Janmabhoomi Group of Newspapers invite you to “Post – Budget Analysis” on Monday, February 06, 2023, 5.30 pm at Lincoln Auditorium, Indo-American Society.

Mr. Virendra Parekh, Editor – Vyapaar, Janmabhoomi Group has kindly agreed to be the opening remarks at the Meeting.

The following will be the eminent Guest Speakers on the occasion.

CA Snehal Muzoomdar, Chartered Accountant & Past President, IAS.

Dipan Mehta, Director, Elixir Equities Pvt. Ltd.

CA (Dr) Shardul Shah, Chartered Accountant & Jt. Secretary, IAS.

This Budget session is open to all.

The Invitation is attached and the event will be followed by refreshments.


Upendra Sheth


Indo-American Society

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