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1 Day workshop on Communication Skills by Ms. Nalini Adyanthaya on Wednesday, 31st July 2024 @ 10am to 5pm at IAS

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today & make a new ending.

Overview:  The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguishes human beings from animals.

What is Communication skills?

Communication comes from the Latin word “communicare”, which means to share & participate.

Effective Communication:

It is not about What you communicate, but it is all about the concept of “HOW” you communicate to make your communication effective.

Training Objectives:

  • Importance of Communication Skills in life.

Communication starts when a child is born: mother-child communication.

  • Why do we need to communicate?

No man is an island- Every person craves for understanding from the other person in every relationship in life.

  • Learn to make your communication EFFECTIVE.

We all want to be liked, respected, wanted, adored, loved by others.

This is possible only when your communication is effective.

The 7 “C”’s to effective communication.

  • Ways to communicate:

Channels of communication.

  • Barriers to effective communication.
  • Questioning skills: why do we hesitate to question?
  • Box-Office Rules to effective communication.

Date: 31st July 2024 |   Timing: 10.00am to 5pm            |   Day: Wednesday  

Venue: Lincoln Auditorium, Indo-American Society, Kitab Mahal, 5 D,  Sukhadwala Marg, Near New Excelsior Theater, Fort, Mumbai 400 001

Nomination Fees:

Fees: Rs.2950/-  (Inclusive of GST 18%)

The fees include participation, Lunch & tea/coffee. Cheque/draft is to be drawn in favour of “Indo-American Society” and sent to the IAS office with the registration form. Participation fees are non-refundable, however, participation by a substitute shall be allowed.

Faculty : Ms. Nalini Adyanthaya

Ms. Nalini Adyanthaya, strongly believes that what I.Q. cannot guarantee but E.Q. does, is a well-balanced personality. Certified Corporate Trainer, certified from the Dale Carnegie Institute.

For more details, please contact

Ms. Shobha Shetty/ Ms. Priti Patel at the Indo-American Society,

Kitab Mahal, 5 D, Sukhadwala Marg,

Near New Excelsior Cinema, Fort, Mumbai 400001.

Phone: 22074882/3, 2200 4769

Email:   /

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